Hooligans Canvas | Urban Camp
Photographer: Hans Ericksson/ Agent Bauer | Stylist: Terese Hedin/ CameraLink | Hair/Make: Petra Stenhammar/ AgentBauer | Models: Viggo/ Miini and MayLee/ MikasKids

Viggo wearing Scarf, Minimarket. sleeveless hoodie, The Animals
Observatory. T-shirt, Zara. Pants, The Animals Observatory. Maylee
wearing hat, Bobo choses. Checked shirt, Mini Rodini. Denim
dungarees, Jelly Mallow. Shirt around wait, The new society. Socks,
Bobo Choses. Shoes, crocs.
Observatory. T-shirt, Zara. Pants, The Animals Observatory. Maylee
wearing hat, Bobo choses. Checked shirt, Mini Rodini. Denim
dungarees, Jelly Mallow. Shirt around wait, The new society. Socks,
Bobo Choses. Shoes, crocs.

Maylee wearing Glasses, The Animals Observatory. Shirt, Givenchy.
Jumpsuit, bobo Choses.
Viggo wearing Sweater from, Mini Rodini. Jacket, Arket. Pants, Bobo
Choses. Socks, Bobo Choses. Sandals, Zara.
Jumpsuit, bobo Choses.
Viggo wearing Sweater from, Mini Rodini. Jacket, Arket. Pants, Bobo
Choses. Socks, Bobo Choses. Sandals, Zara.

Viggo wearing sunglasses, The Animals Observatory. Knitted sweater,

Maylee wearing scarf, Oii by Babyshop.se. jacket, Bobo Choses. Dress
underneath, The Animals Observatory.
Maylee wearing hat, Oii by babyshop.se. Scarf, Acne. Sweater, Jelly
Mallow. Pants, Bobo Choses.
underneath, The Animals Observatory.
Maylee wearing hat, Oii by babyshop.se. Scarf, Acne. Sweater, Jelly
Mallow. Pants, Bobo Choses.

Maylee wearing hat, Bobo Choses. Turtleneck, Bobo Choses. Pants,
Jelly Mallow. Socks, Arket. Sandals, Zara.
Jelly Mallow. Socks, Arket. Sandals, Zara.

Viggo wearing jacket, Arket. Maylee wearing Sunglasses, The Animal
Observatory. Shirt, Givenchy. Jumpsuit, Bobo Choses.
Observatory. Shirt, Givenchy. Jumpsuit, Bobo Choses.

Viggo wearing Coat, The new society. Shirt, Oii by babyshop.se. Pants,
Oii by babyshop.se. Socks, Arket. Shoes, Crocs.
Oii by babyshop.se. Socks, Arket. Shoes, Crocs.

Maylee wearing Knit, Bobo Choses. Denims, Bobo Choses. Shoes,

Maylee wearing hat, Bobo Choses. Turtleneck, Bobo Choses.
Maylee wearing hat, Oii by babyshop.se. Scarf, Acne. Sweater, Jelly
Mallow. Pants, Bobo Choses. Viggo wearing Necklace, Stylist own. T-
shirt, The Animal Observatory. Jacket around waist, Jelly Mallow.
shirt, The Animal Observatory. Jacket around waist, Jelly Mallow.
Denims, Zara.

Viggo wearing west, Mini Rodini. Pants, Minimarket.